One mIllion Seeds

The Best of Marijuana Seeds and Its Journey to Modernity

Hemp is a truly ancient crop that was used in Asia 10,000 years ago. At that time, the Chinese enjoyed the delicious seeds and used the stable styles of the “Ma,” as they called hemp. According to tradition, was already thousands of years before Christ hemp a medical effect at rheumatism , malaria and many other diseases have been rumored. The cultivated plant also seemed truly divine – and none other than the Buddha himself is said to have fed on hemp seeds and used hemp as a protective plant against evil in the context of Hindu rituals. In India, in Iraq, in Germany but also in Greece and Egypt hemp resources are occupied. A few centuries after Christ, the first nobles appeared in the hemp twine and from the 13th century hemp paper was used. The most significant lines that have ever been printed on hemp paper were the words of Gutenberg’s Bible, written as early as 1455. Hemp from a biological point of view Hemp plants, the so-called cannabiceae, are closely related to hops as well as herbaceous shrubs and climbing plants. Hemp is a producer of cannabinoids, which are still not fully developed. However, the two most concentrated substances – THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are grounds for their classification as narcotics because they are credited with psychoactive effects. These substances are by far not contained in all hemp plants in such a high concentration that they produce a noticeable effect when consumed. But back to the biological side of hemp: hemp is dioecious , that is, it gives the plant in a female and a male form. The incentive of many breeders is often in breeding pure female varieties. First, the male plants bloom and throw off pollen. Historical backgrounds The 20th century, however, was under no good star for the hemp plant, because as early as 1911 was applied for cannabis with cocaine and opium equal – and vehemently prohibit. First, a ban could still be warded off. Hemp was still available until 1924 in pharmacies. Presently the situation has changed and now you can have the Marijuana Seeds online offering the best hemp crops year round.

How Cannabis can be helpful in Cancer

Cannabis, a dried extracted properties derived from the thick resinous substance that comes out from a hemp plant known as Cannabis Sativa, which geographically originated in central Asia or in the Indian subcontinent. Though it can be found in many other temperate tropical parts throughout the world for the adjustable nature of it in any climatic condition. Features and Details of Cannabis:             Cannabis has many other aliases such as charas, weed, joint, hashish since long from the time of 20th-century prohibition, primarily due to its illegal association.This stiff plant has consumable parts which have a high amount of dosage to stimulate the neurological system and thus begin the psychoactive process of the mental health. The main chemical ingredient highly present in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol, shortly named as THC which determines the ultimate toxic effect. The functions of Cannabis:             However as technology improved with each passing day, we enormously gained miraculous impact in scientific discoveries, as in the case of cannabis too. Though cannabis has long been in medical use for the various properties included curing several maladies for eons. Ancient doctors, as well as today’s scientists,  have researched so much of identifiable properties which are found to be biologically active in cannabis. Among more than nearly 120 components found in cannabis, the most researched compounds are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and cannabidiol (CBD). The compound CBD is found to give relief from major pain, nausea, inflammation or any chronic condition without affecting the mental neurological system in a psychoactive mess. Cannabinoids are also found to be extremely useful in the therapies of cancer treatment. The chemical properties of delta-9-THC primarily cause the mental ‘high’ and also acts as an antioxidant along with being the remedy for chemotherapy of cancer induced patient. However, it has not yet been approved to be recommended legally for the medical purpose by the federal law of FDA.             With the mentioned studies that the scientists found in cannabis, we can definitely celebrate marijuana as a helpful option in the path of medical research and most importantly in case of dealing cancer, which is considered surely as a curse even in modern medical science. According to reports of journal research on breast cancer in 2016, it was published with the hardest part about how chemotherapy interact with the biological system of the cancer patient who has undergone the procedure of treatment. Not only it weakens the immune function but also kills the natural cells of the tissue and leaves the organ in damage which lingers to the long term changes of the whole system. However science and research are said to find a similar element in our immune system named endocannabinoid which helps in maintaining the proper balance of body function, and so is the evidence of gaining the benefit of THC or other cannabinoids.             Apart from providing cure to the immune function, cannabinoids have many such curable effects in the production of a malignant tumor cell that boost the pathogens like cancer cells. It is more likely that the more increase in endocannabinoid properties, the lesser the chance would get in the growth of cancer production and the associated activities.              This is how the studies from the overall research have contributed to focus on the healing element of cannabis while interacting with the developing cells of cancer and to announce this herbal remedy with more options in medical science.

Hemp seeds: effects, tips and uses of versatile seeds

For a long time the cultivation of the hemp plant in Europe was forbidden. Because of its effect on the psyche, hemp is probably the first to associate the state of intoxication that the plant may cause. Only since the 90s, the cultivation of fiber hemp is allowed. You can distinguish the hemp plant between hemp and Indian hemp. While hemp is used exclusively for industrial purposes, for example for the production of clothing and for the production of hemp seeds, Indian hemp is used for medicinal purposes or as an intoxicant. The small seeds should be healthy and have few side effects. Industrial hemp differs from Indian hemp by its properties. It has a much higher fiber content of up to 40 percent. In addition the THC value of the plant is a lot less than with Indian hemp. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is responsible for the state of intoxication that can be triggered by the use of hemp. In the packets is usually contained only a share of 0.2 percent of the noise-causing substance. As early as 2000, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment recommended THC guidelines of 5 micrograms per kilogram for beverages, 5,000 micrograms per kilogram for edible oils and 150 micrograms per kilogram for other foods. Above all, these values ​​serve consumer protection. Now with the Marijuana Seeds for sale online you can get the best support available there only. Ingredients and effects of hemp seeds Hemp is now found in many foods and commodities. There are baked goods, teas, beers and even sweets that contain hemp as an ingredient. Garments, papers and bags may also contain fiber hemp. Especially popular in recent years are hemp seeds, which can be added to salads and mueslis. They should be healthy and contain many important ingredients. Protein Hemp seeds can provide valuable proteins. The small seeds have up to 25 percent a very high protein content. They deliver all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce itself. However, they are essential for the functioning of the human body. Humans therefore have to absorb these important amino acids with their food. Hemp seeds are particularly suitable for this. This is due to the amino acids involved and the composition of the proteins, which consist of 40 percent albumin and 60 percent edestin. Since this composition is similar to human proteins, the body can use the proteins well and quickly. This is beneficial for athletes as well as for sick people. Due to the contained amino acids, hemp seeds can support the detoxification of the body and thus relieve it. In particular, amino acids such as methionine and cysteine, which support the functioning of the liver and degrade pollutants in the cells, can protect the body against numerous diseases and prevent the aging process.

The Smart Uses of the Hemp Seed

In over-the-counter products, the THC level should be very low and therefore have virtually no side effects. In individual cases, however, it may happen that the benchmark is exceeded and products must be recalled. Especially tea with hemp leaves is often at the upper limit of the given guideline. The consumer center warns above all about hemp products from abroad, as there are no standard controls. A product with too high a THC level can sometimes cause dizziness, palpitations and anxiety. Especially pregnant women should take care when consuming hemp products, that the THC value is low. Anyone who worries that the consumption of hemp seed leads to a positive drug test can be reassured. The normal consumption of cannabis seeds, which are produced and sold in Germany, cannot be detected in the blood or urine. Nor can you get into a rush-like state by the consumption of hemp seed. Use of hemp seeds Hemp seeds can be used in many ways. They can give food an extra flavor and can also be consumed raw. Since the small seeds contain a variety of nutrients, they can be an optimal nutritional supplement for people who need an increased nutrient intake. Now with the Cannabis Seeds online  purchase the best deal now. Hemp seeds as an extra flavor The small seeds can be easily used in many foods. You can combine them in salads and cereals. Hemp seeds are also good in smoothies and shakes. You can use them both for baking and to make your own spreads. With the peeled seeds you can even make your own hemp milk, which is completely safe for consumption. Hemp oil is also suitable for refining food. It can be used for salad dressings, sauces and pesto. When preparing, make sure that you do not over-heat the oil. Since the taste of the seeds and the oil is rather nutty, they are more suitable for savory foods. However, desserts are also prepared with hemp seeds. In the trade one finds frequently fruit bars, which contain hemp seeds as an ingredient. Hemp seeds for athletes But not only because of the taste can you use hemp seeds, but also because of their valuable ingredients. Especially for athletes, the seeds are suitable. Hemp seeds contain an almost optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, the rare gamma-linoleic acid is included. The fats ensure that the body remains efficient. Therefore, they are suitable for consumption, especially in the morning before training. Due to the high protein content and the numerous trace elements and proteins, they help the muscles to regenerate and promote muscle growth.

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