The Smart Uses of the Hemp Seed

In over-the-counter products, the THC level should be very low and therefore have virtually no side effects. In individual cases, however, it may happen that the benchmark is exceeded and products must be recalled. Especially tea with hemp leaves is often at the upper limit of the given guideline. The consumer center warns above all about hemp products from abroad, as there are no standard controls.

A product with too high a THC level can sometimes cause dizziness, palpitations and anxiety. Especially pregnant women should take care when consuming hemp products, that the THC value is low. Anyone who worries that the consumption of hemp seed leads to a positive drug test can be reassured. The normal consumption of cannabis seeds, which are produced and sold in Germany, cannot be detected in the blood or urine. Nor can you get into a rush-like state by the consumption of hemp seed.

Use of hemp seeds

Hemp seeds can be used in many ways. They can give food an extra flavor and can also be consumed raw. Since the small seeds contain a variety of nutrients, they can be an optimal nutritional supplement for people who need an increased nutrient intake. Now with the Cannabis Seeds online  purchase the best deal now.

Hemp seeds as an extra flavor

The small seeds can be easily used in many foods. You can combine them in salads and cereals. Hemp seeds are also good in smoothies and shakes. You can use them both for baking and to make your own spreads. With the peeled seeds you can even make your own hemp milk, which is completely safe for consumption. Hemp oil is also suitable for refining food. It can be used for salad dressings, sauces and pesto. When preparing, make sure that you do not over-heat the oil. Since the taste of the seeds and the oil is rather nutty, they are more suitable for savory foods. However, desserts are also prepared with hemp seeds. In the trade one finds frequently fruit bars, which contain hemp seeds as an ingredient.

Hemp seeds for athletes

But not only because of the taste can you use hemp seeds, but also because of their valuable ingredients. Especially for athletes, the seeds are suitable. Hemp seeds contain an almost optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, the rare gamma-linoleic acid is included. The fats ensure that the body remains efficient. Therefore, they are suitable for consumption, especially in the morning before training. Due to the high protein content and the numerous trace elements and proteins, they help the muscles to regenerate and promote muscle growth.


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