5 “healthy” arguments in favor of Cannabis seeds
In fact, Cannabis seed is valued for its high content of cellulose, which is in great demand in light industry in the manufacture of linen and linen fabrics, tea bags and paper for printing banknotes. In addition, the culture of Cannabis contains a number of vital elements, minerals and fats, beneficial effects on the human body. Cannabis seeds small, brown in color, similar to small nuts. Below we give 5 “healthy” arguments in favor of Cannabis seed, proven by science. Cannabis seeds reduce anxiety and reduce stress. Like many other types of seeds, Cannabis seed contains high concentrations of magnesium, amino acids and vitamin B, which makes them a natural antagonist of stress. Magnesium acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, thereby reducing levels of tension and anxiety. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, energy keepers for the body. It is known that if the body does not receive a sufficient amount of essential amino acids, it intensifies the production of stress hormones. Vitamin B “accelerates” the metabolism of the body, utilizes an excess of stress hormones, thereby maintaining the self-regulation function of the dynamic balance of the brain and body. Cannabis seeds help keep your heart healthy Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world. Fortunately, the risk of cardiovascular diseases can be reduced several times by correctly using the natural benefits of Cannabis seed. We have already mentioned that cannabis fruit contains arginine that use to produce nitric oxide and, therefore, use to dilate blood vessels and minimizes the chances of developing hypertension. Cannabis seeds fight hypertension. High blood pressure increases the risk of strokes and other heart diseases. Diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help normalize blood pressure, it is a proven fact. But few people know that whole meal Cannabis flour products also have the effect of lowering blood pressure. Experiments conducted over a control group of patients have confirmed that such products can for the prevention and treatment of hypertension. Cannabis seeds can help in the treatment of multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is a disease that destroys the membranes of the neurons of the central nervous system, which leads to limitation of physical activity and a number of other symptoms. Some studies of therapeutic methods for treating multiple sclerosis have proven the effectiveness of using Cannabis seed with the addition of evening primrose oil to reduce clinical symptoms in MS relapses. Moreover, some researchers go even further and argue that Cannabis oil can even completely prevent multiple sclerosis, effectively acting on the mitochondrial and myelin sheaths of neurons. Cannabis seed has an anti-cancer effect Although the concentration of tetrahydrocannabiol in cannabis fruits is minimal, it is nevertheless sufficient to ensure a positive antitumor effect with the correct dosage. This characteristic feature of the plant gives hope to cancer patients around the world in slowing or stopping the growth of tumors.
Marijuana benefits spreading all over USA
Cannabis seeds or sprouts are added to not very hot dishes – salads, soups, porridges; ground in a blender as part of cocktails or blanks for sauces, they give them a creamy texture. The taste is slightly nutty, rich and tender at the same time. Purified seeds can be used immediately, it is better to germinate the whole in the shell or just soak, and then the shell is easy to remove. It is easy enough to make cannabis milk. Cannabis seeds and water in a ratio of 1: 5 – 1: 3 (according to your taste) are whipped in a blender, filtered, you can add a little honey or stevia for sweetness – it turns out very tasty and healthy. Without sweetener, milk is used as a base for making sauces. In USA, cannabis porridge was very common. For its preparation, the seeds are soaked for several hours in cold water, boiled over low heat in a double amount of water, stirring. Porridge is ready when it absorbs water and becomes crumbly. Do not add a lot of oil to it, as cannabis seed contains enough oil in itself. Cannabis seeds are one of the most useful products that can be consumed every day, and food and medicine at the same time, the option when tasty and useful goes hand in hand. It will be especially appreciated by vegetarians, raw foodists, people leading a healthy lifestyle, all those who are used to eating consciously. The Marijuana Seeds online purchased ones are the same also. But no matter what food system you stick to, try incorporating this gift of nature into your diet, and feel its benefits and benefits. Benefits of Cannabis Seed: All substances and elements contained in cannabis seeds, only a part of which are listed in this list, by their complex effects on the human body make it possible to use this product for solving a large volume of tasks: Strengthening the immune system, growth and development of muscle and bone tissue; Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and the risk of atherosclerotic plaque formation, normalization of pressure, support of the heart muscle; Improvement of the skin condition and improvement of the effectiveness of treatment of skin diseases, for example, psoriasis, eczema; Assistance in treating neurological disorders, slowing down the development of the effects of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, increasing mental performance, improving memory and attention, restoring sleep; An obstacle to the development of diseases of the liver and biliary tract; Prevention and complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and uro-genital systems; Restoring hormonal balance, reducing the risk of diseases and dysfunctions of the male genitalia; Restoration of the work of the digestive tract, the balance of the intestinal microflora, effective cleansing from slags and toxins; Increase the amount of milk in lactating women; Prevention of osteoporosis and assistance in the fight against rheumatoid arthritis; Normalization of blood glucose and metabolism and preventing the development of obesity and type II diabetes is another main benefit.
Greater Information Regarding Superfood Marijuana and How the Seeds help
If the term marijuana falls, then most think immediately of cannabis and kiffen. Marijuana seeds are indeed superfoods and do not make high, but have a lot of positive effects on the human organism. The Chinese and the ancient Egyptians appreciated the small seeds early on, because they can convince with many valuable ingredients. The great thing about the cannabis seeds is that you can use them in the kitchen very versatile, so that the regular integration into the diet is not difficult. Marijuana seeds have nothing to do with drugs The marijuana seeds are obtained from the so-called commercial or industrial marijuana. While this is also a cannabis plant, the content of THC is negligible and does not put it in a rush-like state, as is the case with Indian marijuana, also known as marijuana. For many millennia, people have been cultivating marijuana, for example, textiles and paper are made from it. Marijuana seeds score with a lot of vegetable protein and essential fatty acids. The small seeds have an olive-green shell with a shiny surface and reach a diameter of two to four millimeters. The leaves and roots of the sturdy plants release important nutrients to the soil so that marijuana can be cultivated on the same substrate for about 10 years without loss of quality being feared. The valuable ingredients of marijuana seeds When it comes to the healthy ingredients of cannabis seeds, then the large amount of protein should first be mentioned. A total of 20 amino acids are represented in the seeds, including all nine essential amino acids. Around 11 grams of protein are contained in just three tablespoons of marijuana seed. The vegetable protein is extremely high quality and also very digestible. If you want to benefit from the proteins, the seeds should not be heated above 115 degrees, because then they can not be digested so well. The positive effects of marijuana seeds on health The antioxidants in the marijuana seeds have a very high effectiveness, so that free radicals can be reliably controlled. In this way, not only is the natural aging process slowed, but many diseases are also prevented. Thus, marijuana seeds are a preventative solution to strengthen the immune system and to protect against various diseases, including cancers. Athletes benefit greatly from the consumption of small seeds, because the contained vitamin E can balance the pH of the body after exercise, so that no hyperacidity takes place and the muscles regenerate faster. In addition, cannabis seeds can also increase the testosterone levels, so that the muscle is promoted. Marijuana seeds are an excellent source of energy, the fatty acids increase the performance of the brain, while the proteins cause an activation of the body cells. Fatigue disappears, stress is more easily processed, metabolism is stimulated and stamina is improved. Not only does memory work a lot better, it also lightens mood so depression and anxiety can be reduced. If Marijuana Seeds online are consumed regularly, the risk of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s is also reduced.
Truest Perfections for Marijuana and the Role of the Seeds
If you have ordered your first hemp packet, you can hardly wait to unpack and plant the cannabis seeds. But before it grows, the cannabis seeds must first germinate. There are various methods for this, a few of the most proven ones are mentioned below. In germination not only the most mistakes are made, but also the most fatal ones. If the germination fails, one can also forget the growth. Later mistakes, if the cannabis plant is already a bit larger, can be forgiven, but the seedling needs perfect conditions. The most important factor in the germination of Cannabis Seeds online is the cleanliness. This not only applies to the tools (tweezers, scissors, flower pots), but also to your own hands. As a smoker you should wash your hands with antibacterial soap, nicotine residues on the fingers are also harmful to the plant. But of course, non-smokers should also go with clean hands to the sensitive offspring. Nature of Cannabis seeds: Cannabis seeds need warmth and moisture to germinate. As soon as they are taken out of their packaging, the small roots are already looking for liquid, so it has to be fast. It is best to land them in a glass filled with water immediately after breaking up the seed packet. During the entire germination process, the humidity must remain the same. For the heat either a heat light over the Cannabis seed can provide or a Heizkissen under the glass. The water temperature should be constant at 20 ° C degrees. When germinating in the glass, it is important to change the water daily. The Cannabis seeds put a lot of emphasis on cleanliness. After 3-6 days, white spots appear in the water: the seed germinates! She breaks her shell and new life arises. The seedling now forms roots. If these are 2-4mm long, it is time that the scion comes into the earth. For this, a hole about 0.5 cm deep must be dug into the potting soil of the pot. Thereafter, the seedling should be covered well with soil again. Now he needs moisture, warmth and light. A fluorescent light provides heat and light and a spray bottle should be used for the humidity. The soil must never be watered. Method: Many grower names besides moisture and heat a third aspect, which leads to the successful germination of Cannabis seeds: darkness. For this you need two strips of kitchen roll. In between, the cannabis seed is laid, and here too it is important to ensure that the kitchen towels are permanently moist – not too wet and not too dry. The need for some exercise until you have found the right amount, but then the roots beat very quickly: After only 2 to 3 days, the seedling can be placed in a flower pot. From now on it works like the glass method. The seedling should be supplied with light for about 18 hours a day. The last method is the simplest in theory, but somewhat tricky in practice. The Cannabis seed is simply planted directly in its soil. It does not first have to germinate in moisture and then be transplanted, but it can germinate directly where it is supposed to grow. This avoids damage to the seedling. It is promising to use cotton balls for constant moisture. Moisten them and lay them on the ground. With this method you do not need light in the first days. Soil and water should be constantly 22 degrees,